licensed money lenders

In Singapore, licensed money lenders are regulated under the Moneylenders Act and governed by the
Ministry of Law to ensure fair and ethical lending practices. While these lenders have specific rights when collecting debts, there are clear limitations to protect borrowers from unfair or abusive practices. Understanding what licensed money lenders can’t do when collecting debts is crucial for both borrowers and lenders to ensure that the debt collection process is handled lawfully and respectfully.

No Harassment or Intimidation

Licensed money lenders are prohibited from using harassment or intimidation tactics when collecting debts. This includes:

  • Threatening Violence: They cannot threaten physical harm to borrowers or their families. Such actions are illegal and can result in criminal charges.
  • Psychological Pressure: Intimidating tactics, such as persistent phone calls at unreasonable hours, aggressive language, or threats of public embarrassment, are prohibited. Lenders must respect personal boundaries and communicate professionally.
  • Unlawful Pressure: Using pressure to force repayment, such as threatening to disclose personal information or shame borrowers publicly, is strictly forbidden. This includes coercive tactics intended to manipulate borrowers into paying under duress.

No Unfair or Specious Practices

Lenders are prohibited from engaging in deceptive practices to recover debts. This includes:

  • False Statements: They must not make false or misleading statements about the consequences of not repaying the debt or the lender’s authority, such as exaggerating legal repercussions or misrepresenting their power.
  • Misrepresentation: They cannot falsely claim to be law enforcement officials or legal representatives to exert undue pressure on borrowers. They cannot use fraudulent tactics to coerce repayment, undermining the borrower’s trust and rights.

No Physical Confrontations

Physical confrontations or aggressive behavior are not permitted. Licensed money lenders cannot:

  • Use Physical Force: Any form of physical violence or aggression is strictly illegal and can result in severe legal penalties. This includes threats of harm or intimidation involving physical force.
  • Enter Property Unlawfully: They cannot enter a borrower’s home or Property without permission or use force. Any attempt to forcibly enter or disturb a borrower’s living space is considered a serious breach of legal and ethical standards.

No Excessive Charges or Fees

Licensed money lenders are restricted from imposing excessive or unfair charges. They must adhere to:

  • Regulated Fees: All fees must follow the terms specified in the loan agreement and comply with the limits set by regulatory authorities. This ensures that borrowers are not subjected to unexpected or unjustified costs.
  • Transparent Communication: They must clearly disclose any additional fees or charges to borrowers upfront. Full transparency in the breakdown of costs is essential to avoid hidden fees and ensure borrowers can make informed decisions about their financial commitments.

Get in touch today for transparent and responsible lending solutions.

No Contact with Third Parties

Lenders cannot contact third parties to recover debts in a manner that violates privacy laws. This includes:

  • Family and Friends: They cannot contact the borrower’s family members, friends, or colleagues to demand repayment or share information about the debt, as this could invade the borrower’s privacy and cause undue stress.
  • Employers: They are prohibited from contacting an employer to discuss the borrower’s debt, except in cases where it is legally permissible and done in a manner that respects the borrower’s privacy. Any contact must be handled discreetly without disclosing the debt details to avoid potential embarrassment or discrimination.

No Legal Action Without Proper Notice

Before taking legal action, licensed money lenders must follow proper procedures:

  • Provide Written Notice: They must provide written notice of the debt and their intention to take legal action, giving borrowers sufficient time and opportunity to address the issue before escalating to court. This notice should clearly outline the debt details and any required actions from the borrower.
  • Follow Legal Channels: Legal proceedings must be conducted through appropriate legal channels. Lenders must adhere to court orders and decisions, ensuring that all actions are legally justified and documented. This process safeguards borrowers’ rights and ensures that legal actions are conducted fairly and transparently.

No Discriminatory Practices

Lenders must treat all borrowers fairly and without discrimination. They cannot:

  • Discriminate Based on Personal Characteristics: They cannot discriminate against borrowers based on race, religion, gender, nationality, or any other protected characteristic. This includes ensuring lending practices and debt collection processes do not unfairly target or disadvantage individuals based on personal attributes or socio-economic status.
  • Unfair Treatment: They must ensure that all borrowers are treated fairly and equitably throughout the debt collection process, providing consistent and respectful treatment to every individual and upholding ethical standards in their interactions and practices.


As a licensed money lender in Singapore, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of fairness and integrity in all our dealings. Understanding the boundaries and restrictions on debt collection is essential for ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and fostering trust and transparency with our clients.

At Oasis Credit Pte Ltd, we stick strictly to all regulations set forth by the Ministry of Law and the Moneylenders Act. This means that our debt collection practices are conducted with the utmost respect for our borrowers’ rights. We do not engage in harassment, intimidation, or any deceptive practices. We work collaboratively with our clients to find easy solutions that benefit both parties.

We believe in transparent communication and fair treatment throughout the loan process, from the initial application to the final repayment. Following these guidelines, we aim to provide a responsible and supportive lending experience. If you have any concerns or questions about our debt collection practices or any other aspect of our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.